Saturday, February 2, 2008

And Then There Were Four...

Greetings from the Lamberson clan! Life is good! As you can see from the photo, Sydney is getting a lot of sleep these days... Papa Joe is really enjoying the 4am feeding times (no kidding!), and Haley has been the best helper and is really enjoying her new role as the big sis. Mindy starts back to her in home daycare this week. She's really enjoyed the past four weeks at home with the girls. Sydney turned 4 weeks old this past Friday, and has been a dream child so far. She only fusses when she's hungry or tired. Sounds just like Joe, eh? We're all looking forward to a nice, quiet SuperBowl weekend. Joe will be rooting hard for Eli and the NY Giants, while Mindy has no particular preference as her Oakland Raiders did not fare to well this year. We received great news from our family in NY this past week as Joe's nephew Brett became a proud papa! Brayden Wagner was born January 29, weighing 6 lbs 6 oz. Both mom (Liz) and baby are doing great and are expected to come home this weekend. We hope all is well, and that you enjoy the game tomorrow!

Joe, Mindy, Haley, & Sydney

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