Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas, New Year, Baby and Everything in Between

Well, it is two days before the BIG day!! Haley is excited, I am anxious, and Joe is doing his best to stay sane and help when he can.

Christmas was wonderful! We stayed at home for the first time since Haley was born and I would have to was really nice to wake up, open presents, and stay in our pajamas until 1:00 p.m. It was the first year Haley really understood what was going on so we had a blast opening, playing, opening another gift and playing. I am thinking that this really is the way to go when you have small children.

We got a new camcorder and have been having a blast recording Haley. She is a riot. We have a great clip of her doing gymnastics, one of sledding (all by herself...and yes I was scared to death), and one of her doing a cheer for her soon to be baby sister. We are still working on getting the video online for everyone to see, but I will keep trying.

As for New Year's, we went with some friends over to an open gymnasium and played basketball, nerf darts, jump rope, and remote control cars. The adults chatted and the kids had a blast. Everyone brought little munchies. (These are the good least this is what New Year becomes when you become a parent!!) It has been very cold here so we have stayed in most of the holidays, but as I said have managed to get out and sled a couple of times.

We are anxiously awaiting Friday morning when our new little addition will be born. I will be home Monday the 7th and hope to get at least a couple of pics on the website. If I'm not able to get the pics on right away, the Methodist Hospital in Des Moines has a site with a nursery photo album you can check out.

Hope everyone is enjoying the New Year. As we said before we are so blessed with what we've been given, we pray for a wonderful and quick recovery and will be chatting with everyone soon.

Love and hugs,
Mindy, Joe, & Haley

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