Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Little Sydney Gearing Up for IOWA STATE FOOTBALL

This is just a short note between trying to get ready for Easter and decorating our new bedroom. Sydney was wearing her first Iowa State shirt and so of course we had to take pictures. It is only March I realize, but we are preparing early...or maybe just wanting to get some fun pictures. I wanted to post the picture and so I will write a quick blurb as well.

We are all doing well. Joe and I had our first get away by ourselves in a long time. We stayed overnight at Riverside Resort & Casino. I must say we had a blast. There was an R&B Funk type band there and we had a great dinner at the steakhouse. It was only 24 hours, but it's always nice to catch up. Thanks to my honey for a great Valentine's present. Our kids did well without us, which is always nice to know. I don't think that Grandma got much sleep, but we are thankful for her willingness to watch them.

I hope everyone has a nice Easter. I can't imagine that I would write 2 times in one week, but hey, you never know. I really just wanted to share our newest little IA STATE fan!!!

Love to all,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ISU....did you mean OSU....OHIO STATE....GO BUCKEYES!!!!