Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Holidays.......to you!!!!!

The last two weeks we have managed to make it through 3 inches of snow, Thanksgiving, shopping on Black Friday, and painting the nursery. I'm not really sure how, but we have managed.

Last Wednesday we were blessed with 3 inches of soft, white, fluffy, beautiful, accident causing, slip on your ass snow. Being the crazy 8 month pregnant woman that I am, I was out shoveling away, until my husband came home and started yelling at me. It was fun to play in for about 2 minutes and then I was done. Thank Goodness for Daddy and Grandma, both got the pleasure of bundling up and building a snowman.

As for Thanksgiving, it was nice and relaxing and uneventful. We had a lot of great food and great company....all 8 of us. Haley even ventured out and ate turkey......NOT!!! She had a feast of macaroni & cheese, carrots, and she did really eat some pumpkin pie without crust. (You go girl!!)

Once again, I decided to go shopping the day after Thanksgiving, in search of the most "perfect Christmas bargain." The mall opened at 12:01am, but we decided that it was crazy to go that early so we went at 1:00am instead. *SMILES* We knew there would be bargains at some point, but we had no idea that 35,000 other people would have the same idea. It was actually humorous. There were so many people we couldn't even find the free coffee, which is what we went for in the first place. Needless to say, we got our bargains and got the hell out of there in search of bargain #2.....KOHL'S where we stood in line for an hour listening to a group of drunk 20 somethingers singing Christmas carols. I truly thought that this could be the end of someones life.....if not mine than definitely one of theirs. We found some great items and then headed to target which opened at 6am. By this time I was about comatose and I think the little one inside of me wasn't sure what was going on either. I went out for breakfast, slept two hours and then went to a doctors appointment, where my blood pressure was the best that it has been. Usually it is low......I guess the moral of the story is go shopping early in the morning or all night in our case.

The nursery is coming along. I will post some pictures in progress. It is fun having another girl, yet being creative to make it different than Haley's.

We are all doing well and hanging in there. Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving and hope the next few weeks are filled with lots of joy and fun.....not chaos and craziness.

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